【同义词辨析】 2017-09-13 命运fate-doom

fate: implies an inevitable and sometimes adverse outcome: the ~ of mariners remains unknown.

destiny: implies something foreordained and suggests a great or noble course or end: our country's ~.

lot: suggests a distribution by fate or destiny: it was her ~ to die childless.

portion: implies the proportioning of good and evil: the ~ that has been meted out to me.     to mete out给予,通常惩罚

doom: distinctly stresses finality and implies a grim and calamitous fate: if the rebellion fails, our ~ is certain.

fate命运: 无法避免,常表示不利的结局, destiny命运: 预先安排的,常表示伟大高尚的历程结局, lot: 命运带来的东西(distribution分配,词根trib表示give), portion: 福祸的比例, doom厄运: 强调终结,是灾难性命运。

          2)命运的意思是预先确定的状态或结局mean a predetermined state or end.